In this article we show how we re-build the type and naming information of 🦀 Rust code in Rocq/Coq, the formal verification system we use. A challenge is to be able to represent arbitrary Rust programs, including the standard library of Rust and the whole of Revm, a virtual machine to run EVM programs.
This is the continuation of the following article:
When millions are at stake, bug bounties are not enough. How do you ensure your security audits are exhaustive?
The best way is to use formal verification.
Contact us at 💌 to make sure your code is safe! 🛡️
We cover Rust, Solidity, and ZK systems.
🎯 The challenge
Our goal is to be able to formally verify large Rust codebases, counting thousands of lines, and without having to modify the code to make it more amenable to formal verification. Our concrete example is the verification of the Revm that includes about 10,000 lines of Rust code, depending on how far we include the dependencies.
This requires to have a methodology of verification that both:
- Scales with the size of the codebase. Rust programs often use a lot of abstractions, and we make the choice to keep these abstractions in the formal model. Combined with the expressivity of the Rocq prover, we hope this will ensure we can scale our reasoning.
- Supports most of the Rust language, noting that Rust is a complex and feature-rich language.
To make sure our translation from the Rust language to the Rocq system has good support, we generate a translation that is very verbose and rather low-level without interpreting the meaning of the various Rust primitives too much. For example, our translation tool is only about 5,000 lines long. It is written in Rust and uses the APIs of the rustc
This approach leaves the burdens of defining the semantics of Rust and designing the reasoning primitives on the Rocq side.
🛝 Strategy
We plan to reason on the translated Rust code with two intermediate steps:
- Links These represent a complete rewriting of the translated code, adding type and naming information that are erased during the translation to Rocq. We also prove that this rewriting is equivalent to the initial translation. We hope to automate this step as much as possible.
- Simulations In this step we make the less obvious transformations, in particular representing the memory mutations in a clean and custom state monad, as well as various optimizations such as collapsing all the integer types if it helps for the proofs later. We also prove that this rewriting is equivalent to the links.
At the end of the Simulations step, we should obtain a purely functional and idiomatic representation of the original Rust code in Rocq. This representation should be easier to reason about, and we will be able to formally verify properties of the code.
As a summary, here are the steps we want to follow:
🧪 Example
Here is an example from the standard library of Rust, which is used to define other comparison operators:
pub fn max_by<T, F: FnOnce(&T, &T) -> Ordering>(v1: T, v2: T, compare: F) -> T {
match compare(&v1, &v2) {
Ordering::Less | Ordering::Equal => v2,
Ordering::Greater => v1,
This example is interesting as it uses some abstractions, with polymorphism, traits, closures, and a bit of pointer manipulations. Ideally, we should be able to represent it with a Rocq code of a similar size, without the explicit references &
that are mostly useless in a purely functional setting. But here is the Rocq code we obtain after running coq-of-rust:
Definition max_by (ε : list Value.t) (τ : list Ty.t) (α : list Value.t) : M :=
match ε, τ, α with
| [], [ T; F ], [ v1; v2; compare ] =>
(let v1 := M.alloc (| v1 |) in
let v2 := M.alloc (| v2 |) in
let compare := M.alloc (| compare |) in (|
M.match_operator (|
M.alloc (|
M.call_closure (|
M.get_trait_method (|
[ Ty.tuple [ Ty.apply (Ty.path "&") [] [ T ]; Ty.apply (Ty.path "&") [] [ T ] ] ],
[ (| compare |);
M.borrow (|
M.deref (| M.borrow (| Pointer.Kind.Ref, v1 |) |)
M.borrow (|
M.deref (| M.borrow (| Pointer.Kind.Ref, v2 |) |)
fun γ =>
(M.find_or_pattern (|
fun γ =>
(let _ := M.is_struct_tuple (| γ, "core::cmp::Ordering::Less" |) in
Value.Tuple []));
fun γ =>
(let _ := M.is_struct_tuple (| γ, "core::cmp::Ordering::Equal" |) in
Value.Tuple []))
fun γ =>
match γ with
| [] => ltac:(M.monadic v2)
| _ => M.impossible "wrong number of arguments"
fun γ =>
(let _ := M.is_struct_tuple (| γ, "core::cmp::Ordering::Greater" |) in
| _, _, _ => M.impossible "wrong number of arguments"
This is extremely verbose and not idiomatic for Rocq! We can see some of the Rust features that are made explicit:
- The list of constant generics
, the list of type genericsτ
, and the list of argumentsα
. - The memory operations
, and the pointers manipulationsborrow
. - The trait instance resolution with
. - The decomposition of the pattern matching in more elementary operations like
Most of this information comes from the THIR intermediate representation of the code as provided by the Rust compiler.
Here is the link definition we will write, proven equivalent to the code above by construction:
Definition run_max_by {T F : Set} `{Link T} `{Link F}
(Run_FnOnce_for_F :
(Ref.t Pointer.Kind.Ref T * Ref.t Pointer.Kind.Ref T)
(Output := Ordering.t)
(v1 v2 : T) (compare : F) :
{{ cmp.max_by [] [ Φ T; Φ F ] [ φ v1; φ v2; φ compare ] 🔽 T }}.
destruct Run_FnOnce_for_F as [[call_once [H_call_once run_call_once]]].
eapply Run.CallPrimitiveGetTraitMethod. {
apply H_call_once.
eapply Run.CallClosure. {
apply (run_call_once compare (Ref.immediate _ v1, Ref.immediate _ v2)).
intros [ordering |]; cbn; [|run_symbolic].
destruct ordering; run_symbolic.
The beginning of the definition corresponds to the trait resolution and calls to the compare
function. The last part with destruct ordering
is the representation of the match
statement in the Rust code. With this definition, we add explicit Rocq types instead of the universal Value.t
type of the translated code and make explicit the trait resolution. The trait instance has to be provided as an explicit parameter with the Run_FnOnce_for_F
With the statement:
{{ cmp.max_by [] [ Φ T; Φ F ] [ φ v1; φ v2; φ compare ] 🔽 T }}
we say that the translated function cmp.max_by
has a "link" definition, built implicitly in the proof, returning a value of type T
. We can extract the definition of this function calling the primitive:
evaluate : forall {Output : Set} `{Link Output} {e : M},
{{ e 🔽 Output }} ->
LowM.t (Output.t Output)
It returns a "link" computation in the LowM.t
monad. The output is often unreadable as it is, but we can step through it by symbolic execution. This will be useful for the next step to define and prove equivalent the "simulations".
🔮 Link's monad
Like the monad used for the translation of Rust programs by coq-of-rust
, the link's monad is a free monad but with fewer primitive operations. The primitive operations are only related to the memory handling:
Inductive t : Set -> Set :=
| StateAlloc {A : Set} `{Link A} (value : A) : t (Ref.Core.t A)
| StateRead {A : Set} `{Link A} (ref_core : Ref.Core.t A) : t A
| StateWrite {A : Set} `{Link A} (ref_core : Ref.Core.t A) (value : A) : t unit
| GetSubPointer {A Sub_A : Set} `{Link A} `{Link Sub_A}
(ref_core : Ref.Core.t A) (runner : SubPointer.Runner.t A Sub_A) :
t (Ref.Core.t Sub_A).
Compared to the side effects in the generated translation, we eliminate all the operations related to name handling (trait resolution, function calls, etc.). We also always use explicit types instead of the universal Value.t
type and get rid of the M.impossible
operation that was necessary to represent impossible branches in the absence of types.
✒️ Conclusion
We have presented our general strategy to formally verify large Rust codebases. In the next blog posts, we will go into more details to look at the definition of the proof of equivalence for the links, and at how we automate the most repetitive parts of the proofs.