
In this document, we explain our work to formally verify the correctness of the πŸ¦€Β Rust implementation of the Move language for the πŸ’§Β Sui blockchain.

For now, we concentrate on the type-checker of the Move bytecode. Smart contracts are stored as Move bytecode on the blockchain, and several sanity checks are performed on the bytecode before it is executed. The type-checker is one of these checks, and the one that is the most involved.


Here are some reference files:

General strategy

We use the πŸ“Β Coq proof assistant for our formal verification effort.

With have the tool coq-of-rust which automatically translates Rust programs to Coq, but we are not using it for this project as the generated translation is too verbose. Typically, handling the details of the memory handling, interactions with the standard library, or the traits hierarchy represents too much work.

Instead we write a Coq translation by hand of the Rust code of:

  • the type-checker and
  • the interpreter

which we test as being equivalent to the Rust code on a set of test cases.

Then we verify the following property on the type-checker:

Starting from a stack of a type stack_ty, if the function verify_instr of the type-checker is successful, then the function execute_instruction of the interpreter is also successful, with a resulting stack of the type returned by the type-checker.

This is not everything we could check but it is a start. Ultimately, we will verify that:

If the type-checker is successful, then the interpreter does not run with a critical error.

To ensure this property, other checks such as the "stack safety" (analysis of the stack height) will be necessary.

Coq translation

To get more information about our manual Coq translation of the Rust code of the type-checker and the interpreter of Move, you can read our following blog post: πŸ¦€ Formal verification of the type checker of Sui – part 2.


To know more about how we verify that our translation of the Rust code of the type-checker in Coq is equivalent to the original code by testing, you can read our blog post πŸ¦€ Formal verification of the type checker of Sui – part 3.


We have worked on the formal verification of the type checker of the Move bytecode. Here two associated blog posts on the matter:

We are focusing on the following property, that we verify for each kind of instruction of the Move bytecode:

Starting from a stack of a type stack_ty, if the function verify_instr of the type-checker is successful, then the function execute_instruction of the interpreter is also successful, with a resulting stack of the type returned by the type-checker.

Relevant files

We have put all of our work in the CoqOfRust/move_sui folder, with the two following sub-folders that are of interest:

  • simulations This defines a Rocq version of the Rust code of the Move interpreter and type-checker.
  • proofs The gives the specifications and proofs we have made of the simulations.

The folder translations is generated and not used here, and the folder links.

With the Rocq file names with follow the names of the Rust files of the Move's implementation:

Verification of the abstract stack

The abstract stack is used to efficiently represent a type for the stack in the type-checker. Here are the relevant files for the formal verification of the abstract stack:

In Rust, the abstract stack is defined as follows:

fn main() {
pub struct AbstractStack<T> {
    values: Vec<(u64, T)>,
    len: u64,

The field len must always be equal to the number of elements in the stack. To avoid repetitions, each element comes with a number u64 indicating the number of times it is repeated.

For each of the stack operations, we check that:

  • The len field is always correct.
  • The stack behaves as if we were applying the normal stack operations push/pop on the stack of values when we repeat the same values multiple times.

As an example, here is the statement for push_n that adds n times the same value to the stack:

Lemma check_push_n {A : Set} `{Eq.Trait A} (item : A) (n : Z) (stack : AbstractStack.t A)
    (H_Eq : Eq.Valid.t (fun _ => True))
    (H_n : Integer.Valid.t IntegerKind.U64 n)
    (H_stack : AbstractStack.Valid.t stack) :
  match AbstractStack.push_n item n stack with
  | Panic.Value (Result.Ok tt, stack') =>
    AbstractStack.Valid.t stack' /\
    flatten stack' = List.repeat item (Z.to_nat n) ++ flatten stack
    | Panic.Value (Result.Err _, stack') =>
    stack' = stack
  | _ => True

For context, the type of the Rust code is:

fn main() {
pub fn push_n(&mut self, item: T, n: u64) -> Result<(), AbsStackError>

It says that:

  • If the AbstractStack.push_n operation succeeds then:
    • The resulting len is accurate (AbstractStack.Valid.t stack').
    • The resulting stack, once flattened to duplicate all the repeated elements, is the concatenation of the previous stack with n times the same value item added on top.
  • If the operation fails, then the stack is unchanged.

We have not found bugs in this part. This only thing that we assumed is that there cannot be integer overflows for the number of duplicates for an element in the stack, or for the length of the stack. This seems unlikely to happen in practice as the maximum number of elements 2^64 is very large.

Verification of the type-checker

For the type-checker itself, we have formally verified 43 over 67 non-deprecated bytecode instructions:

  • βœ… Pop
  • 🚨 Ret
  • βœ… BrTrue
  • βœ… BrFalse
  • βœ… Branch
  • βœ… LdU8
  • βœ… LdU16
  • βœ… LdU32
  • βœ… LdU64
  • βœ… LdU128
  • βœ… LdU256
  • βœ… CastU8
  • βœ… CastU16
  • βœ… CastU32
  • βœ… CastU64
  • βœ… CastU128
  • βœ… CastU256
  • βœ… LdConst
  • βœ… LdTrue
  • βœ… LdFalse
  • βœ… CopyLoc
  • βœ… MoveLoc
  • βœ… StLoc
  • 🚨 Call
  • 🚨 CallGeneric
  • ❌ Pack
  • ❌ PackGeneric
  • ❌ Unpack
  • ❌ UnpackGeneric
  • ❌ ReadRef
  • ❌ WriteRef
  • ❌ FreezeRef
  • ❌ MutBorrowLoc
  • ❌ ImmBorrowLoc
  • ❌ MutBorrowField
  • ❌ MutBorrowFieldGeneric
  • ❌ ImmBorrowField
  • ❌ ImmBorrowFieldGeneric
  • βœ… Add
  • βœ… Sub
  • βœ… Mul
  • βœ… Mod
  • βœ… Div
  • βœ… BitOr
  • βœ… BitAnd
  • βœ… Xor
  • βœ… Or
  • βœ… And
  • βœ… Not
  • βœ… Eq
  • βœ… Neq
  • βœ… Lt
  • βœ… Gt
  • βœ… Le
  • βœ… Ge
  • βœ… Abort
  • βœ… Nop
  • βœ… Shl
  • βœ… Shr
  • ❌ VecPack
  • ❌ VecLen
  • ❌ VecImmBorrow
  • ❌ VecMutBorrow
  • ❌ VecPushBack
  • ❌ VecPopBack
  • ❌ VecUnpack
  • ❌ VecSwap

Legend: βœ… verified, ❌ not verified, 🚨 not verified as function instruction.

Note that we have made our verification statement for a single step of the type-checker, excluding function instructions. We would also need to verify that the type-checker is correct for a sequence of instructions.

First formal statement

Here is our initial formal statement of the validity of the type-checker, with the lemma progress in the file proofs/move_bytecode_verifier/type_safety.v. We name this lemma like this as it shows that when the code is well typed, the interpreter can make one more execution step returning a well-typed state.

Lemma progress
    (* [...] The list of parameters and properties stating that they are correct *)
    (H_of_type : IsInterpreterContextOfType.t locals interpreter type_safety_checker)
    verify_instr instruction pc type_safety_checker,
    execute_instruction ty_args function resolver instruction state
  | Panic.Value (Result.Ok _, type_safety_checker'),
    Panic.Value (Result.Ok _, state') =>
    let '{|
      State.pc := _;
      State.locals := locals';
      State.interpreter := interpreter';
    |} := state' in
    IsInterpreterContextOfType.t locals' interpreter' type_safety_checker'
  | Panic.Value (Result.Ok _, _), Panic.Panic _ => False
  | Panic.Value (Result.Ok _, _), Panic.Value (Result.Err error, _) =>
    let '{| PartialVMError.major_status := major_status |} := error in
    match major_status with
    | StatusCode.ARITHMETIC_ERROR => True
    | _ => False
  | Panic.Panic _, _ | Panic.Value (Result.Err _, _), _ => True

We compare the results of verify_instr and execute_instruction, which are the functions to type-check and execute an instruction, respectively. With the hypothesis H_type, we assume that we start with state (composed of a stack and local variables) of types given in type_safety_checker.

In case of success of both the type-checker and the interpreter, we get a new state and a new set of types that are matching.

If the type-checker fails, either with a panic or an explicit error, we consider that the interpreter can return any result.

If the type-checker returns a success and the interpreter fails, we state that it can only fail with an explicit error taken from a white list, and no panics.

Updated formal statement

While doing the proof, we realized that there are many cases when the interpreter can possibly fail with an explicit error. For example, by calling twice Bytecode::MoveLoc on the same local variable. We decided to then only show that panics of the interpreter are not possible if the type-checker succeeds, and that the next state is well-typed in case of success.

Here is the new formal statement:

  verify_instr instruction pc type_safety_checker,
  execute_instruction ty_args function resolver instruction state
| Panic.Value (Result.Ok _, type_safety_checker'),
  Panic.Value (Result.Ok _, state') =>
  let '{|
    State.pc := _;
    State.locals := locals';
    State.interpreter := interpreter';
  |} := state' in
  IsInterpreterContextOfType.t locals' interpreter' type_safety_checker'
| Panic.Value (Result.Ok _, _), Panic.Panic _ => False
| Panic.Value (Result.Ok _, _), Panic.Value (Result.Err _, _)
| Panic.Value (Result.Err _, _), _
| Panic.Panic _, _ => True

This is the same as before, but with a simpler model to handle the errors: we handle any execution errors except panics.


Here we detail how the verification went for each kinds of operation.

Atomic type operations

We verified all the "atomic operations". These are operations on atomic types such as booleans or integers were the simplest to verify. Most of the time it consisted in popping a few types/values on the side of the type-checker/interpreter, making a few operations, and pushing the resulting type/value back on the stack. Here is as an example for the Add instruction:

fn main() {
// Rust type-checker
Bytecode::Add => {
    let operand1 = safe_unwrap_err!(verifier.stack.pop());
    let operand2 = safe_unwrap_err!(verifier.stack.pop());
    if operand1.is_integer() && operand1 == operand2 {
        verifier.push(meter, operand1)?;
    } else {
        return Err(verifier.error(
fn main() {
// Rust interpreter
Bytecode::Add => {

// Auxiliary functions
fn binop_int<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> PartialVMResult<()>
    F: FnOnce(IntegerValue, IntegerValue) -> PartialVMResult<IntegerValue>,
    self.binop(|lhs, rhs| {
        Ok(match f(lhs, rhs)? {
            IntegerValue::U8(x) => Value::u8(x),
            IntegerValue::U16(x) => Value::u16(x),
            IntegerValue::U32(x) => Value::u32(x),
            IntegerValue::U64(x) => Value::u64(x),
            IntegerValue::U128(x) => Value::u128(x),
            IntegerValue::U256(x) => Value::u256(x),

fn binop<F, T>(&mut self, f: F) -> PartialVMResult<()>
    Value: VMValueCast<T>,
    F: FnOnce(T, T) -> PartialVMResult<Value>,
    let rhs = self.operand_stack.pop_as::<T>()?;
    let lhs = self.operand_stack.pop_as::<T>()?;
    let result = f(lhs, rhs)?;

We can see that both implementations follow the same structure and control-flow, failing when the two parameters are not of the same integer type. Here is our Rocq proof of validity:

{ guard_instruction Bytecode.Add.
  destruct_all IntegerValue.t; cbn in *; try easy; (
    unfold IntegerValue.add_checked; cbn;
    repeat (step; cbn; try easy);
    constructor; cbn;
    try assumption;
    sauto lq: on

At the beginning of the Add case here is the proof state:

(* Hypothesis from the statement of the lemma *)
  (letS! operand1 := liftS! TypeSafetyChecker.lens_self_stack AbstractStack.pop
   in letS! operand0 := return!toS! (safe_unwrap_err operand1)
      in letS! operand2 := liftS! TypeSafetyChecker.lens_self_stack AbstractStack.pop
         in letS! operand3 := return!toS! (safe_unwrap_err operand2)
            in if SignatureToken.is_integer operand0 && SignatureToken.t_beq operand0 operand3
               then TypeSafetyChecker.Impl_TypeSafetyChecker.push operand0
                  (Result.Err (* ... *)))
      TypeSafetyChecker.module := module;
      TypeSafetyChecker.function_context := function_context;
      TypeSafetyChecker.locals := locals_ty;
      TypeSafetyChecker.stack := stack_ty
(* ... code containing the interpreter ... *)

It starts by the code of the type-checker that we can recognize, followed by a match on its result, then the interpreter code in case of success, and finally a statement to say that the final state (mainly composed of a stack) is of the computed type.

Let us decompose the proof steps:

  • We check that we are indeed in the case of the Add instruction, to help for proof debugging.
  • We follow two pop instructions from type-checker. In the case of success, they ensure that the stack has at least one element so that the pop instruction from the interpreter is automatically evaluated.
  • The destruct_initial_if tactic is a helper to automatically get the information from the if instruction at the beginning of the type-checker. This instructions ensures that the two popped values have the same type and are both integers.
  • Then we say with the destruct_abstract_push tactic that the type-checker pushes the popped integer type back on the stack.

At the end we conclude with a series of tactics to handle all the different integer kinds (fom U8 to U256) which behave in the same way. Here is the proof state just before the end, with the same kind of proof state from U8 to U256:

List.Forall2 IsValueImplOfType.t
  (ValueImpl.U8 (z0 + z) :: x2)
  (operand_ty :: AbstractStack.flatten stack_ty1)

This means that we need to check that for each value in the list on the left, we are of the type in the list on the right:

  • For x2 (the tail of the stack) we get that it is well-typed from our hypothesis. This is the part of the stack that was not modified by the Add instruction.
  • For ValueImpl.U8 (z0 + z) (the head of the stack) we need to check that it is of the type operand_ty. This is the result of the add instruction. We have one of our hypothesis:
    match operand_ty with
    | SignatureToken.U8 => True
    | _ => False
    By case analysis we conclude that operand_ty is equals to SignatureToken.U8, so that the head of the stack is well-typed.

Loc operations

We verified the "loc" operations that manipulate the local variables (CopyLoc, MoveLoc, and StLoc):

  • We axiomatized some of the operations as they are doing operations too low-level for our Rocq model, such as calling the Rust function std::mem::replace.
  • We also axiomatized some of their properties by lack of time.

Call operations

These are the two instructions Call and CallGeneric. They do not modify anything on the interpreter side and immediately return. However, on the type-checker side, they check the type of function parameters which are supposed to be on the top of the stack, and push the type of the results. We do not handle this kind of operation in our statement (final node in the control flow graph) and instead add them in a black-list of final operations which we do not cover.

Structures, references, and vectors

We did not handle, for a lack of time, the operations about structures, references, and vectors. These are the most involved operations. They generally contain a loop to iterate for example over the fields of a structure, which is generally harder to verify as it requires reasoning by induction. These instructions also typically reference the environment in addition of the stack, for example to get the fields of a structure ID.

Definition of values

We follow the definition of values from the Rust type in move-vm-types/src/values/

fn main() {
enum ValueImpl {




This type is mutually recursive with the Container type:

fn main() {
enum Container {

We made a similar, mutually recursive definition in Rocq in simulations/move_vm_types/values/values_impl.v.

Well-typed relation

We define the "is well-typed" relation in CoqOfRust/move_sui/proofs/move_vm_types/values/values_impl.v with:

Module IsValueImplOfType.
  Definition t (value : ValueImpl.t) (typ : SignatureToken.t) : Prop :=
    match value, typ with
    | ValueImpl.Invalid, _ => False
    | ValueImpl.U8 z, SignatureToken.U8 => True
    | ValueImpl.U16 z, SignatureToken.U16 => True
    | ValueImpl.U32 z, SignatureToken.U32 => True
    | ValueImpl.U64 z, SignatureToken.U64 => True
    | ValueImpl.U128 z, SignatureToken.U128 => True
    | ValueImpl.U256 z, SignatureToken.U256 => True
    | ValueImpl.Bool _, SignatureToken.Bool => True
    | ValueImpl.Address _, SignatureToken.Address => True
    (* TODO: other cases *)
    | _, _ => False

We do not handle the container types but only atomic ones (integers, booleans, addresses). This relation defines when a value is of a given type. We extend it naturally to lists of values, to express that a stack or a set of local variables is well-typed.

Preservation of invariants

The main invariant we verify is that the abstract stack for the type-checker is always well-formed, meaning that its pre-computed length len is always the actual number of elements in the abstract stack. We show this property in the lemma verify_instr_is_valid in the file proofs/move_bytecode_verifier/type_safety.v.

The proof is done by reasoning by cases over all the instructions, unfolding all the definitions and applying the invariant lemmas for the stack operations.

Found issues

We have not found any issues in the type-checker. However, our verification work is not complete as we essentially only verified the atomic instructions which are the simplest ones.

We found one typo error in our Rocq representation of the type-checker. We were returning the type SignatureToken.U64 instead of SignatureToken.U256 for the instruction Bytecode::CastU256.

Deprecated opcodes

Here are the deprecated instuctions:

  • MutBorrowGlobalDeprecated
  • ImmBorrowGlobalDeprecated
  • MutBorrowGlobalGenericDeprecated
  • ImmBorrowGlobalGenericDeprecated
  • ExistsDeprecated
  • ExistsGenericDeprecated
  • MoveFromDeprecated
  • MoveFromGenericDeprecated
  • MoveToDeprecated
  • MoveToGenericDeprecated

In the type-checker we check these instructions as if they were still valid. On the interpreter side, we have:

fn main() {
unreachable!("Global bytecodes deprecated")

which would make a panic at execution time in case it is still possible to load this kind of bytecode. Maybe this code could instead return an error with Result::Err to be more explicit.


We thanks the Sui Foundation for the opportunity to work on this project πŸ™.