OCaml core
translates the functional core of OCaml to the corresponding Coq constructs. It adds type annotations for each definition. We present how this translation work.
The OCaml functions are translated to standard Coq functions. For example, the definition of the composition function in OCaml:
let compose g f x =
g (f x)
produces in Coq:
Definition compose {A B C : Set} (g : A -> B) (f : C -> A) (x : C) : B :=
g (f x).
The polymorphic variables A
, B
and C
are written explicitly as there are no polymorphic type inference in Coq (it is unclear if type variables should be in Set
, Type
or Prop
for example). These polymorphic variables are set implicit with {...}
so that they are inferred when doing function application:
let incr n = n + 1
let plus_two = compose incr incr
is translated to:
Definition incr (n : Z) : Z := Z.add n 1.
Definition plus_two : Z -> Z := compose incr incr.
All the generated types are in
. You may need to use the-impredicative-set
option of Coq to allow complex cases of polymorphism. An alternative is to replace all the generated occurrences ofSet
. However, this may expose you to universe inconsistencies in proofs.
The pattern-matching is handled in Coq. The main difference is that constructors are curryfied:
type 'a sequence =
| Empty
| Cons of 'a * 'a sequence
let rec sum s =
match s with
| Empty -> 0
| Cons (n, s') -> n + sum s'
Inductive sequence (a : Set) : Set :=
| Empty : sequence a
| Cons : a -> sequence a -> sequence a.
Arguments Empty {_}.
Arguments Cons {_}.
Fixpoint sum (s : sequence Z) : Z :=
match s with
| Empty => 0
| Cons n s' => Z.add n (sum s')
The when
clauses on patterns are encoded with a tuple of matches:
let rec sum s =
match s with
| Empty -> 0
| Cons (n, _) when n < 0 -> sum s'
| Cons (n, s') -> n + sum s'
Fixpoint sum (s : sequence Z) : Z :=
match s with
| Cons n s' => OCaml.Stdlib.lt n 0
| _ => false
end) with
| (Empty, _) => 0
| (Cons n s', true) => sum s'
| (Cons n s', _) => Z.add n (sum s')
Coq is more restrictive on the naming of record fields than OCaml. Two different records cannot share a common field name.
type answer = {
code : int;
message : string }
Module answer.
Record record := {
code : Z;
message : string }.
Definition with_code (r : record) code : record :=
{| code := code; message := message r |}.
Definition with_message (r : record) message : record :=
{| code := code r; message := message |}.
End answer.
Definition answer := answer.record.
Records in Coq are automatically namespaced into a module of the same name. This prevents name collisions between record fields. As Coq has no builtin constructs for substitution in records, coq-of-ocaml
generates a with_
function for each of the fields.
To read into the record, the generated code prefixes all the fields by the record's name:
let get_answer_message answer =
Definition get_answer_message (answer : answer) : string :=
Patterns on records are also translated:
let get_answer_code = function
{ code } -> code
Definition get_answer_code (function_parameter : answer) : Z :=
let '{| answer.code := code |} := function_parameter in
Recursive definitions
In Coq all functions must be proven terminating. We disable the termination checks for now by using the TypingFlags plugin (this feature should be included in the upcoming Coq 8.11 release). At the start of every generated files, coq-of-ocaml
unset the termination flag:
Require Import TypingFlags.Loader.
Unset Guard Checking.
Unsetting the termination also remove the strict positivity checks for the definition of inductive types. We will probably add an option to re-activate the termination check when possible.
Monadic notations
The OCaml language provides a way to define monadic operators so that we can define programs such as:
let return (x : 'a) : 'a option =
Some x
let (let*) (x : 'a option) (f : 'a -> 'b option) : 'b option =
match x with
| Some x -> f x
| None -> None
let get_head l =
match l with
| [] -> None
| x :: _ -> Some x
let sum_first_elements l1 l2 =
let* x1 = get_head l1 in
let* (x2, x3) = get_head l2 in
return (x1 + x2 + x3)
We translate the program using similar let-notations in Coq. We require the user to manually insert these notations. For example, here coq-of-ocaml
Definition _return {a : Set} (x : a) : option a := Some x.
Definition op_letstar {a b : Set} (x : option a) (f : a -> option b)
: option b :=
match x with
| Some x => f x
| None => None
Definition get_head {A : Set} (l : list A) : option A :=
match l with
| [] => None
| cons x _ => Some x
Definition sum_first_elements (l1 : list int) (l2 : list (int * int))
: option int :=
let* x1 := get_head l1 in
let* '(x2, x3) := get_head l2 in
_return (Z.add (Z.add x1 x2) x3).
By adding the following notations in the generated code:
Notation "'let*' x ':=' X 'in' Y" :=
(op_letstar X (fun x => Y))
(at level 200, x ident, X at level 100, Y at level 200).
Notation "'let*' ' x ':=' X 'in' Y" :=
(op_letstar X (fun x => Y))
(at level 200, x pattern, X at level 100, Y at level 200).
the function get_head
compiles. Note that coq-of-ocaml
does not generate these notations, and you have to add them by hand.