In this blog post we explain how we specify and formally verify a whole ERC-20 smart contract using our tool coq-of-solidity, which translates Solidity code to the proof assistant CoqΒ π.
The proofs are still tedious for now, as there are around 1,000 lines of proofs for 100 lines of Solidity. We plan to automate this work as much as possible in the subsequent iterations of the tool. One good thing about the interactive theorem prover Coq is that we know we can never be stuck, so we can always make progress in our proof techniques and verify complex properties even if it takes timeΒ β¨.
Formal verification with an interactive proof assistant is the strongest way to verify programs since:
- it covers all possible inputs and program states,
- it checks any kind of properties.
To audit your smart contracts and make sure they contain no bugs, contact us atΒ Β π§
We refund our work if we missed a high/critical severity bug.
Functional specificationβ
We specify the ERC-20 smart contract by writing an equivalent version in Coq that acts as a functional specification. In this specification, we ignore the emit
operations that are logging events in Solidity and the precise payload of revert operations (we only say that "a revert occurs"). We make all our arithmetic operations onΒ Z
the type of unbounded integers with explicit overflow checks.
For example, here is the _transfer
function of the Solidity smart contract:
function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 value) internal {
require(to != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address");
// The subtraction and addition here will revert on overflow.
_balances[from] = _balances[from] - value;
_balances[to] = _balances[to] + value;
emit Transfer(from, to, value);
We specify it in the file erc20.v by:
Definition _transfer (from to : Address.t) (value : U256.t) (s : Storage.t)
: Result.t Storage.t :=
if to =? 0 then
else if balanceOf s from <? value then
let s :=
s <| Storage.balances :=
Dict.declare_or_assign s.(Storage.balances) from (balanceOf s from - value)
|> in
if balanceOf s to + value >=? 2 ^ 256 then
Result.Success s <| Storage.balances :=
Dict.declare_or_assign s.(Storage.balances) to (balanceOf s to + value)
With the Coq notation:
storage <| field := new_value |>
we modify a storage element as in the equivalent Solidity:
field = new_value;
With the two tests:
if balanceOf s from <? value then
if balanceOf s to + value >=? 2 ^ 256 then
we make explicit the overflow checks that are implicit in the Solidity code.
Dispatch to the entrypointsβ
A Solidity smart contract has two public functions:
- One is the deployment code, which essentially initializes the storage of the smart contract and loads the rest of the code in memory,
- The other one is executed when a transaction is sent to the smart contract, which is dispatched to the relevant entrypoint according to the payload of the transaction.
We will focus on the second one. It takes the contract's payload in a specific format:
- The first four bytes are the function selector, which is the first four bytes of the hash of the function signature,
- The rest of the payload is the arguments of the function, following the ABI (Application Binary Interface) of Solidity.
This blog article Deconstructing a Solidity Contractβ-βPart III: The Function Selector from OpenZeppelin gives more information about it. In Coq, we represent the payload of a contract with a sum type:
Module Payload.
Inductive t : Set :=
| Transfer (to: Address.t) (value: U256.t)
| Approve (spender: Address.t) (value: U256.t)
| TransferFrom (from: Address.t) (to: Address.t) (value: U256.t)
| IncreaseAllowance (spender: Address.t) (addedValue: U256.t)
| DecreaseAllowance (spender: Address.t) (subtractedValue: U256.t)
| TotalSupply
| BalanceOf (owner: Address.t)
| Allowance (owner: Address.t) (spender: Address.t).
End Payload.
We define how to get this payload from the binary representation:
Definition of_calldata (callvalue : U256.t) (calldata: list U256.t) :
option Payload.t :=
if Z.of_nat (List.length calldata) <? 4 then
let selector := Stdlib.Pure.shr (256 - 32) (StdlibAux.get_calldata_u256 calldata 0) in
if selector =? get_selector "approve(address,uint256)" then
let to := StdlibAux.get_calldata_u256 calldata (4 + 32 * 0) in
let value := StdlibAux.get_calldata_u256 calldata (4 + 32 * 1) in
if negb (callvalue =? 0) then
else if negb (get_have_enough_calldata (32 * 2) calldata) then
else if negb (get_is_address_valid to) then
Some (Approve to value)
else if selector =? get_selector "totalSupply()" then
(* ... other cases ... *)
The callvalue
is the amount of Ether sent with the transaction, which has to be zero for non-payable functions. The calldata
is the list bytes of the payload of the transaction. We check that the length of the payload is at least 4 bytes, then we extract the selector and the arguments of the function. We check that the arguments are valid, and we return the corresponding payload or None
in case of error.
Note that a lot of the code is very repetitive and can be generated automatically by AI. For example the definition of the Payload.t
type was automatically generated by in one shot, with the code of the smart contract and its specification in context.
Equivalence statementβ
Here is the lemma stating that, for any possible user inputs and storage values, the Solidity smart contract and the Coq specification behave exactly the same:
Lemma run_body codes environment state
(s : erc20.Storage.t)
(H_environment : Environment.Valid.t environment)
(H_s : erc20.Storage.Valid.t s) :
let memoryguard := 128 in
let memory_start :=
[0; 0; 0; 0; 0] in
let state_start :=
make_state environment state memory_start (SimulatedStorage.of_erc20_state s) in
let output :=
The functional specification here:
environment.(Environment.calldata) in
let memory_end_middle :=
[memoryguard; 0] in
let state_end :=
match output with
| erc20.Result.Revert _ _ => None
| erc20.Result.Success (memory_end_beginning, memory_end_end, s) =>
Some (make_state environment state
(memory_end_beginning ++ memory_end_middle ++ memory_end_end)
(SimulatedStorage.of_erc20_state s)
end in
{{? codes, environment, Some state_start |
The original code here:
ERC20_403.ERC20_403_deployed.body β
match output with
| erc20.Result.Revert p s => Result.Revert p s
| erc20.Result.Success (_, memory_end_end, _) =>
Result.Return memoryguard (32 * Z.of_nat (List.length memory_end_end))
| state_end ?}}.
The proof is done in the same way as in the previous blog post πͺ Coq of Solidity β part 3 about the verification of the _approve
function. The body of the contract calls all the other functions of the contract, and we reuse the equivalence proofs for the other functions here.
The main difficulty we encountered in the proof was missing information in the specification. For example, our predicate of equivalence requires for the memory of the smart contract to have the exact same value as its specification at the end of execution, except in case of revert. This means we needed to add the final state of the memory in the specification also, even if this is an implementation detail. We will refine our equivalence statement in the future to avoid this kind of issue.
For the most part of the proof, the work was about stepping through both codes and making sure, by automatic unification, that the twos are indeed equal.
The development of coq-of-solidity
is made possible thanks to the AlephZero project. We thank the AlephZero Foundation for their supportΒ π.
We have presented how to specify and formally verify a typical smart contract in Solidity, the ERC-20 token, using our tool coq-of-solidity
(open-source). In the next post, we will see how to verify an invariant on the code and how the proof system Coq reacts if we introduce a bug.