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🦀 Improvements in the Rust translation to Coq, part 2

· 10 min read

In our previous blog post, we stated our plan to improve our translation of Rust 🦀 to Coq 🐓 with coq-of-rust. We also provided a new definition for our Rust monad in Coq, and the definition of a unified type to represent any Rust values. We will now see how we modify the Rust implementation of coq-of-rust to make the generated code use these new definitions.

With this new translation strategy, to support more Rust code, we want:

  1. to remove the types from the translation,
  2. to avoid the need to order the definitions in the generated Coq code.

This work is funded by the Aleph Zero crypto-currency to verify their Rust smart contracts. You can follow us on X to get our updates. We propose tools and services to make your codebase bug-free with formal verification.

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Implementation of the monad

We implemented the new monad and the type Value.t holding any kind of Rust values as described in the previous blog post. For now, we have removed the definitions related to the standard library of Rust (everything except the base definitions such as the integer types). This should not be an issue to type-check the generated Coq code, as the new code should be independent of the ordering of definitions: in particular, it should type-check even if the needed definitions are not yet there.

We added some definitions for the primitive unary and binary operators. These include some operations on the integers such arithmetic operations (with or without overflow, depending on the compilation mode), as well as comparisons (equality, lesser or equal than, ...).

Now that the main library file CoqOfRust/CoqOfRust.v compiles in Coq, we can start to test the translation on our examples.

Generating the tests

We generate new snapshots for our translations with:

cargo build && time python

This builds the project coq-of-rust (with a lot of warning about unused code for now) and re-generates our snapshots: for each Rust file in the examples directory, we generate a Coq file with the same name but the extension .v. We generate two versions:

  • one in axiom mode, where all definitions are axiomatized, to translate libraries, for example, and
  • one in full definition mode, where we also translate the bodies of the function definitions.

Axiom mode

We first try to type-check and fix the code generated in axiom mode.

Type aliases

We have a first error for type aliases that we do not translate properly. We need access to the fully qualified name of the alias. We do that by combining calls to the functions:

  • crate_name to get the name of the current crate and
  • def_path to get the whole definition path without the crate name.

As a result, for the file examples/ink_contracts/, we translate the type alias:

type Hash = [u8; 32];

into the Coq code:

Axiom Hash :
(Ty.path "basic_contract_caller::Hash") =
(Ty.apply (Ty.path "array") [Ty.path "u8"]).

Then, during the proofs, we will be able to substitute the type Hash by its definition when it appears. Note that we now translate types by values of the type Ty.t, so there should be no difficulties in rewriting types.

We should add the length of the array in the type. This is not done yet.


In axiom mode, we remove most of the trait definitions. Instead, with our new translation model, the traits are mostly unique names (the absolute path of the trait definition). The main use of traits is to distinguish them from other traits, to know which trait implementation to use when calling a trait's method. We still translate the provided methods (that are default methods in the trait definition) to axioms and add a predicate stating that they are associated with the current trait. For example, we translate the following Rust trait:

// crate `my_crate`

trait Animal {
fn new(name: &'static str) -> Self;

fn name(&self) -> &'static str;
fn noise(&self) -> &'static str;

fn talk(&self) {
println!("{} says {}",, self.noise());

to the Coq code:

(* Trait *)
Module Animal.
Parameter talk : (list Ty.t) -> (list Value.t) -> M.

Axiom ProvidedMethod_talk : M.IsProvidedMethod "my_crate::Animal" talk.
End Animal.

We realize with this example that the translation in axiom mode generates very few errors, as we remove all the type definitions and all the function axioms have the same signature:

(* A list of types that can be empty for non-polymorphic functions,
a list of parameters, and a return value in the monad `M`. *)
list Ty.t -> list Value.t -> M

so the type-checking of these axioms never fails. We thus jump to the full definition mode as this is where our new approach might fail.

Definition mode

We now try to type-check the generated Coq code in full definition mode. We start with the smart contract example.

Polymorphic trait implementation

This example is interesting, as it contains polymorphic implementations, such as for the mock type Mapping:

struct Mapping<K, V> {
_key: core::marker::PhantomData<K>,
_value: core::marker::PhantomData<V>,

that implements the Default trait on the type Mapping<K, V> for two type parameters K and V. We translate it to:

(* Struct Mapping *)

Module Impl_core_default_Default_for_dns_Mapping_K_V.
Definition default (𝜏 : list Ty.t) (α : list Value.t) : M :=
match 𝜏, α with
| [ Self; K; V ], [] =>
let* α0 :=
[ (* Self *) Ty.apply (Ty.path "core::marker::PhantomData") [ K ] ] in
let* α1 := α0 [] in
let* α2 :=
[ (* Self *) Ty.apply (Ty.path "core::marker::PhantomData") [ V ] ] in
let* α3 := α2 [] in
(Value.StructRecord "dns::Mapping" [ ("_key", α1); ("_value", α3) ])
| _, _ => M.impossible

Axiom Implements :
forall (K V : Ty.t),
(* Self *) (Ty.apply (Ty.path "dns::Mapping") [ K; V ])
[ ("default", InstanceField.Method default) ]
[ K; V ].
End Impl_core_default_Default_for_dns_Mapping_K_V.

Here are the interesting bits of this code:

  • On line 1, we translate the Mapping type into a single comment, as the types disappear in our translation and become just markers. The marker for Mapping is its absolute name Ty.path "dns::Mapping".

  • On line 7, the function default takes a list of types 𝜏 as a parameter in case it is polymorphic. Here, this method is not polymorphic, but we still add the 𝜏 parameter for uniformity. We also take three additional type parameters:

    • Self
    • K
    • V

    that represent the Self type on which the trait is implemented, and the two type parameters of the Mapping type. These will be provided when calling the default method.

  • On line 11, we use the primitive M.get_method (axiomatized for now) to get the method default of the trait core::default::Default for the type core::marker::PhantomData<K>. Here, we see that having access to the type K in the body of the default function is useful, as it helps us to disambiguate between the various implementations of the Default trait instances that we call. Here, we provide the Self type of the trait in a list of a single element. If the Default trait or the default method were polymorphic, we would also append these type parameters in this list.

  • On line 15, we call the default method instance that we found with an empty list of arguments.

  • On line 23, we build a value of type Mapping with the two fields _key and _value initialized with the results of the two calls to the default method. We use the Value.StructRecord constructor to build the value, and its result is of type Value.t like all other Rust values.

  • On line 24, we eliminate a case with a wrong number of type and value arguments. This should never happen as the arity of all the function calls is checked by the Rust type-checker.

  • On line 27, we state that we have a new instance of the Default trait for the Mapping type, with the default method implemented by the default function. This is true for any values of the types K and V.

  • On line 34, we specify that [K, V] are the type parameters of this implementation that should be given as extra parameters when calling the default method of this instance, together with the Self type.

Polymorphic implementation

Next, we have a polymorphic implementation of mock associated functions for the Mapping type:

impl<K, V> Mapping<K, V> {
fn contains(&self, _key: &K) -> bool {

// ...

We translate it to:

Module Impl_dns_Mapping_K_V.
Definition Self (K V : Ty.t) : Ty.t :=
Ty.apply (Ty.path "dns::Mapping") [ K; V ].

fn contains(&self, _key: &K) -> bool {
Definition contains (𝜏 : list Ty.t) (α : list Value.t) : M :=
match 𝜏, α with
| [ Self; K; V ], [ self; _key ] =>
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* _key := M.alloc _key in
let* α0 := M.var "core::panicking::panic" in
let* α1 := (mk_str "not implemented") in
let* α2 := α0 [ α1 ] in
never_to_any α2
| _, _ => M.impossible

Axiom AssociatedFunction_contains :
forall (K V : Ty.t),
M.IsAssociatedFunction (Self K V) "contains" contains [ K; V ].

(* ... *)

We follow a similar approach as for the translation of trait implementations, especially regarding the handling of polymorphic type variables. Here are some differences:

  • On line 2, we define a Self type as a function of the type parameters K and V. This is useful for avoiding repeating the same type expression later.
  • On line 22, we use the predicate M.IsAssociatedFunction to state that we have a new associated function contains for the Mapping type, with the contains method implemented by the contains function. This is true for any values of the types K and V. Like for the trait implementations, we explicit the list [K, V] that will be given as an extra parameter to the function contains.


In the next blog post, we will see how we continue to translate the examples in full definition mode. There is still a lot to do to get to the same level of Rust support as before, but we are hopeful that our new approach will be more robust and easier to maintain.

If you are interested in formally verifying your Rust projects, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at! Formal verification provides the highest level of safety for critical applications. See the White House report on secure software development for more on the importance of formal verification.